
By PJG844

In a Garden Green

On a pretty non-eventful day the biggest excitement for me was looking out of my “study” window to see a flock of redwings, half a dozen blackbirds, several song thrushes and ….. a load of starlings. Grabbed my camera but daren't go outside because, if anything, the starlings would panic and everyone would fly away. So I attempted to photograph them through my window. Disappointingly (annoyingly) all of them were pretty poor, with the vast majority being wretched AVS's. So this is about the best out of a poor bunch, two redwings, the one on the right just grabbing a grub of some form when I took the picture.

I've said before that we get flocks of redwings in our garden, which surprises me. We have no flowers or berry producing bushes so the only thing I can think is that the lamb crap over the spring and summer has really encouraged various bugs, worms and grubs to proliferate. Which is nice.

The 6 blackbirds are there every day, 2 males, 2 females and 2 immature ones. Why are the young ones not called juvenile instead of immature? Is it because they like fart jokes or something?

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