Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

Wood for the Sheep Pen

Now I do realize that for most people a few bits of wood will never be exciting!!
However, I'm delighted with the small blessings in life and the wood you see in the photo is to be used to make a gate for my outer sheep pen. I am chuffed to bits.
The other day my hubby had to go into town for an errand. Anyone who knows him will be aware that he's not backward in coming forward! He has no problem asking for something or doing a bit of bargaining, much to his delight and my embarrassment! So when he drove past a building site and saw a load of wood he thought he would stop and have a closer look. The first thing that caught his eye was a large palette, which would have been ideal just as it was, but he couldn't get it in our small car. Then he saw the loose planks up against a railing.
He beckoned to one of the workmen who duly came over to see what hubby wanted.
"Are you using that wood there?" he asked, unashamedly.
"No, I don't think so", came the hard hat reply.
"Could I have it then?" asks hubby, even more unashamedly as he realizes he's getting somewhere with this guy.
"Oh thanks mate", says hubby in his Cockney twang.
And with that he loaded it in the car and came home very delighted with himself.
And I was very delighted with him, and very glad I hadn't been there when he had asked for the wood!
So, maybe very soon I will have my gate for the outer pen and I can blip it for you!
Tomorrow morning I am driving up to the Shetland Alpaca Farm. They have some Soay lambs and I asked if I could go over and take some photos. The owners were very happy to oblige, so watch out tomorrow for a cute pic, if all goes according to plan.
Hope your weekend is getting off to a good start.
Take care.

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