Windy And Grey

The shot just about sums up the day - windy and grey, although as we went out at lunchtime the winds had dropped considerably - but these clouds were still racing by!

First job today was to attempt to clean the sensor on my SLR - hmm. I managed to pick off the biggest pieces of dirt with the 'Speckgrabber' but there still seem to be loads of bits left (I can't actually see them but they do show up on a 'dust shot'! However they didn't get in the way of my image today. The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed a large blob just above the chimney of the house - it appears to be a pigeon in the full size image but at Blip resolution it appears as a speck of dust - honsest!

Then off to the docs for my 'flu jab - a bit late in the season but they called me in for it. I think they must have over ordered and wanted to get rid.

Then off to the supermarket for the first proper 'big shop' since Christmas. Back into the routine already ...

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