Hold On To Your Hats...

Wow - a bit breezy today!

The wind was really strong this morning so we abandoned our planned trip to Harrogate and stayed in - I made some bread to go with parsnip and apple soup I had prepared last night. Bargain parsnips picked up yesterday at Morrison's - who appeared to have a cartload all with an end date of yesterday! Oops.

I ventured out with the dogs after lunch as the wind seemed to have abated a little - but there were still times where I could barely walk into the wind. Finlay wasn't impressed - he followed directly behind me sheltering from the worst of it. So not much chance of an outdoor shot today as I couldn't even hold the camera still enough.

Using a piece of tree I picked up a couple of days ago as my subject, I resorted to an indoor macro shot!

Lighting was supplied by my little LED ringflash unit - but instead of attaching to the end of the lens I held it above and shone downwards to reveal the texture of the rotting wood.

Forecast for tomorrow is pretty windy too - so maybe the other side of the log will get an airing ☺

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