Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Anna's

I decided I'd better get outside to find something to photograph as the day is decidedly darker than yesterday and growing darker by the minute.  I was pleased when the Anna's Hummingbird came and sat in the tree that was right by where I was standing.  Never as clear and sharp as I'd like, but I think that would be corrected if I had a more expensive lens and steadier hands.  Neither one is likely to happen any time soon, so it is what it is.

Bill is soaking up (American) Football this weekend as, eventually, the season will come to an end.  Then, of course, Basketball, with just about the longest season in sports lasts clear into June.  It's much too long and the need to shorten that somehow as it's just too much for the players.  From pre-season in mid October until the final playoff game in the first part of June....8 months of basketball.  Good grief.

Because I've done so much with my aunt lately, she didn't come over today.  But I'll see her on Tuesday....  Upsetting my schedule and I don't know what day it is anymore. Ha1

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

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