Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

My second DSLR

Yes, it has come home! My first digital camera was the Nikon Coolpix 900 - you were lucky to get 10 shots from a set of 4 AA alkaline batteries, and speed of focus and operation was, to put it VERY mildly, very pedestrian. The following D980 was a vast improvement, but still very limited.

Then came the Canon D30 - incomparably better, and a REAL camera. However, I just don't get on with the Canon UI, so I switched to Nikon when the D100 was launched, and later the D200. For me the D300 did not seem enough of an improvement over the D200, and similarly the D300s did not move things on much from the D300. We all know what has happened since then in that Nikon range (i.e. no updates whatsoever in 5 years!).

The D100, D200 and D40 have been out on permanent loan for 2-3 years, but the friend who has had them decided the D100 must go, so I've got it back again at present. I also have the original 24-85mm lens - at the time they did not have an 18-to-you-name-it lens, so I bought the 20mm lens: this has subsequently proved very useful on mirrorlesss cameras, until the diaphragm stopped working a few days ago. Not sure if I can get it repaired, and anyway finances currently mean it will be a while before I can contemplate sending it back to Nikon.

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