Swearing In

Time went so very slowly at work on Friday!  All I could think about was getting to Sugar's school on time to celebrate her birthday.  I watched the clock just barely tick, it seemed.  sigh......then finally, it was time.  

I arrived at Sugar's class to find her wearing her birthday crown out at recess.  She looked so happy.  It made my heart very happy.  When the class came back in to the school, the birthday ceremony started.  Sugar held the globe....spun it, and proceeded to walk around the SUN (on the floor) 10 times to signify how many times she has been around the sun.  The children all counted out loud.  It was so very beautiful.  Then they sang her a lovely song.  

"On the day Sugar (they used her real name) was born....on the day Sugar was born....on the day Sugar was born....the angels sang and the blew on their horns.  They danced, they danced...they smiled and raised up their hands....on the day....on the day Sugar was born."  (sniff...sniff....gets me all teary every time.  

Then, the classmate who last had a birthday came forward with a sword. Sugar knelt down, and her friend proceeded to swear her into the 10 year old club.  DARLING! 

Finally, the part that blesses my heart and makes this mama feel so proud arrived.  Classmates raise their hands, and as Sugar calls on them, they give her an affirmation or a birthday wish.  So many lovely things were said.  Things such as:  "You are so funny!", "When I'm feeling sad, you can always make me smile.", "When I have no one to play with, you always let me play with you.", "You are always so helpful." and "You are a good friend, and I know I can trust you."  The one that made me giggle was the little boy who said, "Sugar....you are growing up so fast!"  awwww.......

Then, finally, as Sugar passed out the blueberry muffins.....the kids made cards for her.  She got so many lovely cards.  Many of the children drew pictures of panda bears for her.  I love that they all know her so well.  I adore small school for this.  These kids are moving through the years together...and forming strong bonds.  

School ended, and Sugar and I set out to run a few errands for the small party we were planning for Saturday.  We got home in time to enjoy some time together in the evening.  Reading in bed together, and smiling about her last night as a nine year old.  

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