Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

The Tiptoe of a Tulip

Stuck indoors again on a cold grey, wet, dull and lightless day. Will summer ever arrive?

But, thank goodness for cut flowers which never fail to provide a welcome splash of colour and optimism on even the cloudiest day and a return to a favourite of mine - the tulip! A different take on the shot captured and shared with you just over a week ago, this time I have played around with the concept of fine art by slightly muting the the vibrancy of this stunning red tulip, softening the focus and creating a pastel, almost watercolour perspective. And, as always, I hope it has worked! That's for you guys to judge.

I won't reprise the history of the tulip from my previous photograph but, in understanding that the red tulip is a symbol, apparently, of perfect love, I came across this rather sweet saying ...

"If you're looking to leave butterflies in their tummies, choose tulips and watch them blush"

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