Summer fresh

I love the fresh colour of this. Wish I could remember it's name too! It's a small tree in my courtyard and the best I could find as the day became dull and misty.

Come on weather, we're over this grey!

Not a bad day. It had it's moments but I'm slowly starting to get my head around I have big changes coming and they will be challenging, not just for me but all my team.

Day by day is the best approach. I do best when I figure out what I can and can't change and then set about dealing with what I can do.

After work I went to the doc. We talked about my finger (still swollen and not quite right but close enough, given what happened). She prescribed a few things I hopefully won't need on my upcoming 7 day tramp but at least they'll be in my first aid kit. We touched on the challenges ahead of me and how I might deal with that.

She likes to do a little poking and prodding all of which told us I'm as fit as a buck rat. Unfortunately this isn't preventing the ungraceful aging of my bone density. It isn't as good as I'd hoped. But the doc cheered me up by telling me to tramp and climb more. I take that as a prescription :-)

Then I spent a bit of time talking to my mate who isn't so well today. That and less than summery weather meant we left playing around with my tent (or me extolling its virtues ;-) to another time.

Then the dreaded supermarket. I survived - just. 

A decent sort of dinner followed by the completion and emailing off of the report I mentioned yesterday. I'm glad that's done and dusted but what a waste of my time.

No wonder it's now 9pm.

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