Just checking if the coast is clear

No..... not today, but you know it's coming :-)

Played Tim at Racket ball last night. Probably our first game in 3 months and it showed. It was me against the walls as whilst Tim turned up, he wasn't really there. I guess this is what being in love does to a man.

Some of the wisest words I've read this week come from Ms El Rhazoui , a member of the Charlie Hebdo staff who was overseas on holiday at the time of the attack on an editorial meeting. She said the staff were 'proud' of what they had produced for the 1st edition since that awful day in such difficult circumstances'.

Asked to whom the headline was addressed, she responded:

 'It is addressed to us because we feel we have to forgive what happened'.
'I think those who have been killed, if they had been here they would have been able to have a coffee today with the terrorists and just talk to them, ask them why they have done this'. 
'We feel as the Charlie Hebdo team the need to forgive the two terrorists who killed our colleagues. We cannot feel any hate towards them'. 

If more people in the world felt this way, it would be a better place as it seems to me that most of the violence we see is little more than playground tit for tat behaviour. Grow up people.

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