We've lost our goodest baddie

Severus Snape & Hogwarts in a double exposure.

Severus Snape, the Sheriff of Nottingham and Hans Gruber. ,Did anyone every play the villain better than Alan Rickman? I doubt it.

Someone commented on the list of celebrities that have passed away in recent weeks and I couldn't help but feel that we seem to go through something very similar year on year. So, I did what the curious do and Googled it and it's a fact. In the UK and many other parts of the world, the death rate in the first 2 weeks of January is higher than any other time of year and of course, celebrities are not immune to this phenomenon. I call it a phenomenon because there doesn't appear to be a satisfactory explanation as to why it is so. Even the obvious one suggesting that it is something to do with the cold weather doesn't stand up to scrutiny and I very much doubt that messers' Bowie and Rickman struggled to heat their homes! 

Anyone care to offer up any theories?

Great night out last night and Tim has said yes to a bike ride on Sunday. I need to think of a route that doesn't have any serious hills. Could prove difficult given that we live in a high point in the county.

One person has already commented that I appear to be blipping daily again. Well, yes and no. My statement was that I would blip if I had a photo or thought worth sharing and for various reasons but mainly well known people dying, I've had reasons to blip this week.

Please stop dying people!

More pictures of Megan Luke.

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