A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Scooter Park.

Outside Eaton House Belgravia Boys School. 

I guess someone has needed to use his sister's T-Bar scooter this morning or maybe not...

Today I visited the Science Museum to see the 'Drawn by Light' RPS collection. Fascinating to see photographic history in the flesh, including one of my favourites by Steve McCurry, Afghan Girl. I was amazed to be able to see the reflection of the land, sky and a building in here eyes. Just wonderful.

I came away quite stunned by one image, or should I say five images by Melvyn O'Gorman. His image of Christina has been used to advertise the collection and I did wonder why.

It's quite a timeless image and could have been taken this year but I had guessed it was from the mid sixties. I couldn't have been further from the truth. It was taken in 1913 just 6 years or so after colour prints had been developed. Incredible.

In the next display area is housed 'Make Life Worth Living' a hard-hitting collection of documentary photographs by Nick Hedges showing life in the slums of Britain during the late 60's, early 70's. An eye opener.

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