Getting colder

It ended up being a bright and sunny day with very heavy snow showers coming in now and again.
The birds were busy at the feeders and a thrush of some kind was sitting in one of the bushes. I thought it was a redwing to start with until I looked on the computer and it looks like a song thrush. Hope it starts singing soon.
We went to Fettes sawmill to get a quote for a replacement log cabin. It had clouded over by now with more snow clouds over head. We drove back towards Muir of Ord and down one of the back roads that had been gritted. In one of the fields a whole flock of geese had gathered. Amazing to see so many and the air filled with their honking as they took off. Turning the other way I noticed the icicles hanging from the trees and fence. We think they were formed when cars drove through the nearby puddle throwing up water that then froze.
Fortunately they were able to deliver my injections today. Also received a parcel containing items for mosaic making including some lovely tiles too, so all looking good at the moment.

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