Joy of life - and photographing!!!

Woke up early and build a studio to kitchen table, extension tubes, lights, some flovers (amaryllis, hyasinth and two roses) camera and no tripod... as I seem to have broken some small part of the Slik tripod as it did not carry the extensions tubes and camera anymore. Anyway I did have fun time photographing free hand Some nice macros, the blip today is one of them - which I liked the best...

Anyway, as the tripod really was broken, I decided to go and buy a new tripod. The conditions for pedestrians were partly extremely dangerous slippery, as you can see from the captures I added here (including the great egret)...  As I had steel staples in the bottom of my shoes, it helped a lot. My muscles are sore anyway from tensioned walking on icy surfaces...

And what I found was a nice Velbon DF-60 tripod for 59euros. I think it will fulfill my needs very well... I also captured the Great egret into my memory card - this time in clear daylight. So beautiful bird!

Hope you have had as nice a saturday as I have!

I am heading to sauna now, later some nice tv-shows and for sure some time enjoying your beautiful blips!

take care,

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