Through My Eyes!

By kevreid

The WIne Glass Overfloweth!

Following on from yesterdays wee session, My 2nd eldest daughter wanted to help out so we devised a slightly more impressive set up than yesterdays attempt.
So technical info
gloss white background. then placed a 10inch high box on the glass tabletop.
using a 24inch pane of glass we taped one end to the top of the box and the other end rested on the table (we also taped this so there would be no movement. it looked to be about 30 degrees to the table.
3 wine glasses were then set up in a line and secured on the base of each with blue tac.
lights were set up to light the background, and also at each edge of the 3 glasses.
Lastly a light was placed below.
setting the camera to ISO 100, F16 and 1/250 shutter we were ready to go.
The next thing was to have the camera angled at the same angle as the glass the wine glasses were balanced on , basically looking through the viewfinder and checking the thin edge of the glass that was visible along the bottom of my viewfinder.
Then daughter dropped food colouring in each glass and starting on the right hand glass I started filling with water until it was almost at the top, moving onto the middle glass I added water until it appeared to match the left hand edge of the red glass and finally we added water to the yellow glass and aligned it to the left edge of the blue.

for some reason we had bubbles in the yellow glass, but we liked the effect.
Into photoshop I only had to slightly adjust the white balance to give pure white behind the glasses.
It was then a quick put the gear away before Mrs R came in!
Hope you like it!

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