The Way I See Things


Mono Monday: Middle

.... of the road. There are in fact many middles in my life - age and England to name but two - but as soon as I saw this week's challenge, this was the shot I visualized.

Under normal circumstances I would not have risked kneeling in the middle of Buckle Street to get a photograph; this is the section of the Roman Road between Ullington and Bidford on Avon, which is heavily used by traffic and at this point unrestricted. Luckily for my purposes however, the approach to Bidford Bridge is currently closed for repair (a situation now in its third week: how can it possibly take three weeks to repair a piece of road less than a mile long?), so other river crossings are having to be used and traffic on this road today was very light.

Symmetry-lovers among you might like to know that chestnut trees were evenly planted on both sides of the road, but sadly several on the west side were destroyed in a rick fire a few years ago.

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