Morecambe Bay

First walk along the Prom for a long time but it's getting lighter slightly earlier in the morning and it doesn't seem quite so difficult to get up and go out.

It was great to be out early and we both felt better for it and it's given me more energy for the rest of the day.  Note to self: remember this tomorrow!

Productive phone conversation about workshop I am designing.  

A trip to Lancaster this afternoon for a meeting which was good.  Very cold but crisp and sunny.  

I continue to be surprised by school-aged children who seem to be completely oblivious to the temperature.  There were several on the train who weren't wearing coats and I even saw a man in shorts.  SHORTS (and he wasn't even a postman).  I seem to recall my Mother saying things like this.

Committee meeting this evening but I don't really want to go out again.  Still, it'll be worth it when I get there.

A good day.

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