The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Well, the camera was on the sunset setting! This was taken after work from the back step, looking towards Butterow and Rodborough hill. A busy day at my two jobs meant that I had no time to take any other photos, even though it was sunny, too. More's the pity.

Back home, I attempted to alter a recipe to make supper.

Not many leeks: use carrots
Flour: use G-F flour blend.
Milk: oops! Use soya milk
Walnuts: use hazelnuts.
It actually tasted ok.

Flamin' freezin' here tonight! Got my sleeves wet while washing up, may have to change clothes. Trying to finish a jigsaw and watch Panorama, about the trouble atTesco's. I don't fancy shopping there again, even if it makes a nice little trip at lunchtime.

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