
By Angelique


Walked through the churchyard this morning, and thought it was about time I shared this phenomena with you all.  Spooky or what.

I will leave it up to you to decide how this happened.

Grey very cold day here, so much so that Phoebe has refused to go out for a walk today. Whether it's because she knew she would have to wear her new coat I don't know.  The cats have been hiding away too, trying to keep warm.  I cant blame them, I wouldn't go out from choice either.  Work was lonely, Sir being out and left to continue typing legal documents. 

So glad we are more than half way through January.  Rang the estate agents but all is quiet at the moment.  So it's back to the grindstone tomorrow, and just keep going!!

Thankyou for the kind comments on my wandering stream at Williton.
Stay warm folks, and sleep well. xxx

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