New enthusiasm

A bright sunshiny day and we were invited over for coffee and an explore by our pals R and F. After strong coffee and healthy flapjacks we donned our wellies and headed into the hills, down little tracks, up green road, through boggy fields, into farmyards and through prickly gorse and bracken. First stop a small wedge tomb now surrounded by forestry but once looking out across the sea and mountains. Second stop a cup marked stone that has never been officially recorded and only found by them a couple of days ago - it's a big one with up to 15 cupmarks in the most fantastic position with huge views. Next stop an indulgence for me and my new enthusiasm about bullaun stones. This one is in Stouke graveyard and it comes complete with a lid, a two jars full of money, various other offerings and a holy water bottle in the shape of the BVM. Still much revered as was a nearby grave to two priests who had helped the poor during the Famine - money and trinkets adorned the sides of their large tomb. Final stop, a scramble onto the mountain in search of another elusive wedge tomb, now a bit collapsed and only found thanks to Himself's GPS. Great stuff.
Last night's film: '71 - I went fuelled with chips, a glass of pinot and my scarf. I am so glad I did go. It was a tour de force - sometimes hard to watch, unblinking, unsentimental, but brilliantly made. A  fresh young squaddie arrives in Belfast in 1971. Unfortunately his commanding officer is also fresh and innocent and the unit get into trouble and he's left on his own in the Falls area. It's his journey back to the barracks and those he encounters on his way - good IRA, bad IRA, bad Brits, good Brits and just people caught up in it all. A hellish time, and a strong message about the futility of war.

Don't forget it's Derelict Thursday again tomorrow. Just tag your pic and Himself and I will be showering hearts.  while SarumStroller takes a breather.

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