Poorly Baby

Last night Miss E  got into our bed at about 3am, boiling hot and complaining that her tummy hurt. She writhed about for a bit, moaning and groaning and I gave her some Calpol.
Ten minutes later she threw the Calpol up. Mostly in a bucket.
She felt a bit better afterwards and went to get her encyclopaedia of the human body and explained to us about all the different kinds of germs and bacteria.
Just what I felt like at 3.30am!!
I didn't get back to sleep for a couple of hours - what with Mr K's snoring and Miss E's wriggling, kicking and groaning.
So I felt pretty ropey when my alarm went off.
Miss E looked like death warmed up but insisted that she wanted to go to school - she didn't want to miss piano bless her.
I got her dressed but when she got paler and paler and refused to eat anything I had to insist that she wasn't going to school. They'd never have let me leave her!!
Ironically she then got very distressed about how ill she felt and didn't want to go in the car to drop Miss L off.
My mum came to the rescue again and drove over to sit with Miss E while I took Miss L (who was very excited to get to school at 10am!)
Miss E lay on the sofa under her blanket not really moving or speaking. Just as my mum was leaving she perked up a bit, ate a chocolate oatcake and played many games of Sum Swamp which she loves.
It was such a relief to see her looking better.
It didn't last long. She took a bit of a downward turn and then slept for three hours. With Toothless watching over her!
I didn't really want to take her out when she woke up so my mum very kindly came back over to sit with her.
Mum got held up in traffic so I didn't get to school until just before 6pm. I worried that Miss L would be upset or feeling poorly. I needn't have worried, she was having a fine old time in the ITC suite!
Also unfortunate, just as I got to school Mum rang to ask where the Calpol was. Miss E was in agony with earache. Poor baby.
She's gone off to bed early tonight and gone out like a light. Fingers crossed she has a better night and wakes up feeling better.

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