Life Savors

By osuzanna


If this was Wednesday, this could be submitted for "what is it", but it's Friday, and I will have to try to pass this off as a dof doodle, a term coined and skill perfected by Hobbs.

I never intended that this would be my blip for today. As I packed up my camera equipment for an extended trip, I impulsively took this shot with my 50 mm/f1.4 prime lens. Little did I know that this would be just about the only shot I would get today. My only other options were raindrops on the windshield or gas station and fast food signs along Interstate 95.

As I sit in the car while my husband drives, I have uploaded this to my iPad via the wifi on my camera, processed it with Snapseed and Photoshop Touch and uploaded it via the 3G on my iPad. It is certainly a great way to pass the time. Isn't technology grand?

You probably figured this out but this is the back side of my desk lamp,

Best wishes to all for a great weekend.

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