Skip's Blips

By Skip

Robin in a sumac tree

Sumac trees produce little berries that apparently are delicacies to the palate of the American robins. People in our area tend to get excited when they see robins, thinking they are a sign of spring. Not so! A few robins may fly south for the cold months, but most of them hang around here and suffer through the frozen winters right along with the rest of us. Along about this time of year, robins flock to the sumac trees and, like this one, feast on the tiny little sumac berries. A little family of robins were doing exactly that today when we took Gulliver for a short walk in the park. After the walk, we were chilled to the bone, as the expression goes, so we hurried home and feasted on warm bowls of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. No sumac berries for the three of us. They probably wouldn't go down very well! 

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