
By Memories4Me

Old Books, Old Memories

Dear Diary,

I am posting very early in case I loose my satellite connection.  The storm is gaining in intensity so I may get "unplugged".  That's not really a problem for me, I have lots of good books and the generator will keep the heat and lights on.

Speaking of books...I have been searching for a book my grandmother gave me on my 6th birthday, The Little Maid of TIconderoga.  I was born in that Lake George NY town.  She inscribe it and it was very precious to me but I cannot seem to locate it and I am heartbroken.  But that search led me to this collection of old books with women's names that I have in my guest room

I started collecting ones that had names of people I know and it started with Patricia from New York....very appropriate I thought.  These old books and the charming stories they contain really speak of a very different time.  Kids today have the Harry Potter series, which is wonderful by the way, but I grew up with books like these and my favorite, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, still has the power to warm my heart.

I could loose myself in a book for hours...still can.  Not being "connected" today will not bother me in the least.  I have my books.

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~Author Unknown

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