
I'm taking part in #derelictthursday for the first time today. I found a website full of 'at risk' buildings in Edinburgh and the surrounding area. I may take part next week too since there are several within walking distance of work. Worry not though, I added some mono and a little contrast to fulfil the 'downbeat' criteria.

Risk Assessment:

1. I made sure I was wearing sensible shoes I know, I'm as shocked as you to find that I actually own sensible shoes.

2. I put my coat on, it's chilly out there, you may not know but there is a ridiculous amount of snow in Edinburgh, the Council snow plough can barely cope.

3. I checked that the 100 yards from my office to this door were sufficiently gritted. The boss had even swept away the snow especially.

4. I couldn't find a hardhat or a high vis vest so I looked in the fancy dress box at work and found a cowboy hat and some chaps and made do. I promise to locate a hardhat and a bodyguard in good time for next week.

5. I looked both ways when I crossed the road, it's fair to say that I was almost mowed down by a couple of rowdy sausage dogs but I stepped aside in the nick of time.

DISCLAIMER: No sausage dogs or blippers were harmed in the making of this blip

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