Costa Rica

“There it is!” our guide pointed to the two-toed sloth, one of the rarest mammals in the world, hanging from a branch in the mangrove swamp.
Already we had seen troops of monkeys, Jesus Christ lizards (so named because with their webbed feet they can run on water), and an abundance of rare birds, frogs and snakes in Costa Rica.
The country is every bit as exotic as I had expected.  As for the rain both up in the rainforest and down at the coast it was something to be experienced in itself.
No wonder the place is teeming with an abundance of wildlife.
Costa Rica has gone in for eco-tourism and quality of life- it’s claimed to be the happiest country in Latin America.
Sadly our visit is far too short. My only complaint are the many potholes caused by heavy rainfall on unsurfaced roads.
(Apologies for lack of comment etc. but internet access is almost unobtainable.)


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