
By FlyingPRGal

Weekend Wonders

This morning I'm reflecting on the weekend's birthday celebrations as I get ready for my last week working in the Castle.

As you may have read from previous blips, I am slightly obsessed with Wonder Woman and all things superhero and fairytale related.

I was absolutely thrilled that my friend made a surprise Wonder Woman birthday cake for me and had gone to the trouble of actually creating a second cake too. The whole thing was gluten free, totally delicious and the decorations were immaculate.

My thoughtful friend is a skilled baker and I was overwhelmed to discover that four years' of baking hibernation was broken by her Wonder Woman creation!

I was spoiled by thoughtful gifts and gestures this birthday from a mini champagne bottle labelled 'Drink me' - a nod to my fascination with Alice in Wonderland - from one friend to a Cinderella card titled 'Dreams don't end at midnight' from another. Flowers, a baker hat, a vintage jewellery box, perfume, chocolates, jewellery, pyjamas, Friday night's supper, a selfie stick and a flight around the Kent countryside were wonderful gifts from my dearest friends each of them special to me for their own individual quirkiness..

I believe your true friends know you better than you know yourself and I am reminded of this after my birthday weekend where my friends have spoilt me rotten with gifts so suited to my interests!

This weekend I've opened my eyes to the wonders of solid friendships and I've been reminded how much my friends care and how lucky I am to count them as my friends. I'll be happy knowing that as I head into the office on this Monday morning.

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