Spring is in the air

It's been another poor winter - I know that there's still plenty of time for more snow & a return of the cold spell - but in truth there's never really been enough snow to bring climbing in the Lakes into condition - and when there was it was matched by gale force winds. So far this year three out of four Scottish trips have cancelled due to weather - I'm even making a contingency plan for rock climbing when we go in March.
Out with the pooch this morning Spring was visibly knocking at the door everywhere - as we're nearly a 1000ft asl its quite odd to see in early Feb - but daffodils are up, crocuses are out & a lot of the shrubbery looks ready to bud.
We'd walked over this little beck last week - partly frozen & covered in snow - but in this mornings mist, which never quite lifted, it didn't look as if winter had ever been.

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