The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Mascot

Mummy says she sometimes wishes I could talk. Why's that, I asked? So I could tell you that the mascara you have on only one eye is a good look? Or that I really wish you'd make me something other than pasta for my tea? No, she said, it's so you could tell me why you were up ALL NIGHT?

A sleepy mummy and me headed to bookbug via Costa this morning. The bookbug mascot made an appearance today. He was taller than my daddy and I did not like him at all. Afterwards we had some fun at soft play. We had our obligatory turn on the big slide before going to visit the sensory bus outside daddy's work.

I sat in disbelief as the words came tumbling out of mummy's mouth. 'These socks look a bit grubby and so do these must not be washing them properly'. And with those few badgering words, daddy resigned as chief domestic of the house. Ever wish that you COULDN'T talk mummy?

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