
I would never have cosmetic surgery unless it was for a medical reason. No judgement on those who do, each to their own but seriously... think it through before you go get duck lips or tattooed eyebrows. No offence but you look ridiculous. Okay... so I lied, I am judging a bit! Haha!

And what is with this orange skin trend? I'm so pale I'm almost blue and whilst I agree that it's nice to have a bit of a natural tan, those days are over for me now. Having skin cancer is a bit of a wake up call where the sun is concerned. I carry factor 50 in my handbag at all times. But this orange look is far from attractive in my view. I'm not really one for following trends though so maybe I just missed something.

I've just dyed my hair... I suspect that makes me a bit of a hypocrite but I've always had double standards! I'm bored with my mop. It needs cut but there's not very much I can do with it that would keep it such low maintenance. I can't actually believe how much time I wasted straightening my hair for so many years. The moment you go outside if the weather isn't optimum, there's immediate frizz. I'm way too lazy for that shit these days. Hiding the grey is about the extent of my efforts. 

I don't do make-up either, other than lipstick that is, every girl needs her lippy! That's the extent of my beauty regime. I think I did make-up in my early teens, there's some shoddy photographic evidence of it but since then I've never bothered. I don't like it. I poke my face way too much throughout the day, I'd end up with mascara down my cheeks and smudges everywhere. That's never a good look. 

I quite like my fake eyelashes so I dare say I have a little vanity going on, they always make me feel better when I look in the mirror and see big pretty lashes looking back at me. I think vanity goes hand in hand with insecurity. The things we're insecure about are the things that we try to change or hide behind. I think everyone must be insecure about some things, some of the time. I'm not sure that I'm insecure about my eyelashes but I definitely feel better when I have them. I'm giving my own lashes a rest though so I'm doing without for the moment. I've decided that when I've lost some of my lardy arse, that will be my treat to myself. 

Sorry... it's Pepsi again... I'm not really sorry but I really am starting to bore myself and indeed her so maybe tomorrow you'll get something else. She has a tendency to lick her arse as soon as I go anywhere near her with the camera. This was a bribe with a treat cause her tummy takes precedence over licking her bum. I guess she's not that vain either! 

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