Half Hearted

I was taken by the crocheted heart that airedaleknitter made the other day and have been tempted to try out the pattern.  

I  have made several attempts at crocheting in the past and not really done well at it so stuck to knitting mostly, but I think this looks like 'half a heart :) 

Unfortunately this didn't stop me from falling asleep on the sofa yet again this evening,  I really hope I can sleep tonight, I need to be feeling good tomorrow!

It has been an extremely stressful and tiring day at work and at the moment I'm all ready to give up and resign.  I have been pushed sooo much this week (to breaking point) and really feel I am being pressued into resigning but I definitely can't afford to do that....

Thankfully I've now got some paperwork from my Union to complete and return (its very long and complicated and I have already had to take a break in filling it in).

 Tomorrow is the dreaded weekly meeting before which I have to take an assessment on some online training and I am absolutely dreading both :(

Thank you so much for all your lovely support blippers :)

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