But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Des. Res.

I have to admit to prevaricating this week and so am a few days behind with my blips; my particular mode has been watching Photoshop videos on various web-sites. Some of the techniques, such as this one, are very simple - others not so. I've watched one video on selecting hairy dogs, and capturing all the hairs, several times and many of the subtleties have managed to escape me; since it is a very useful skill, I intend to keep at it.

This cottage(?) is at the top of the hill that the Wednesday cyclists have to climb immediately before their favourite coffee stop - the Sausage Emporium. I've had my eye on it for a long time and have snapped it many times without actually using it. Today it has its day, partly because the weather was so overcast and misty, it was not conducive to inspired photography.

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