An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Silver Bedhead...

I've hardly had a minute today.  Too busy writing Valentines cards on behalf of my son!  I'm not going to say how many he wants to send (I have put a limit on it!) but suffice to say he is a slut!  ;-)))

Actually, I must remember to write my own Valentine's card.  Not one to me, I mean one to send to my Valentine (after all D will remember to send me one. Won't he???)  

Much brighter day today so picked up my camera to head into the garden to grab a blip.  Battery was flat!  Grrrrr!  There were two bars worth of power showing yesterday!  Thought I'd have to rely on my phone but dug out the wee Olympus DSLR that started off my interest in photography and miracle of miracles, the battery had power.  

Sadly I didn't have long to spend taking pics so headed straight to the clematis seed heads, which I've blipped millions of times in the past, but I don't care.  I love them.  I'd also forgotten how much I enjoy using this wee camera.  So much lighter than the Canon so no sore hands.  I think I will see myself a wee challenge to use the Olympus over the next few days,  just to see how I get on.  I suspect the seed heads will be featuring again :-)

Hang in there peeps, almost the weekend and I promise to try and get some commenting time this evening.  My laptop is gubbed and D's been using the iPad and I hate using my phone so it's been impossible.  Unless I sit all evening in the study.  Nope that's not going to happen :-)))

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