
My name is LeeAnne and I'm addicted to coffee. 

I forgot that I had to take Barney to work today so the boys from the heated seat place could collect him and fix them for the fifth time yet again. They said they'd fill him with fuel... totally pointless given he was already almost full! Grrrr... don't you hate that?! They did top him up but I totally could have scored a full tank for the extra 250 miles he's done schlepping back and forward to Livingston. Doh!

Anyway... I looked in my little book while I was waiting and one of my mates has written in it something about how dysfunctional I am having a visitors book for my car that it'll be a gin and a cat next! Hahaha... it made me giggle! If I suddenly have an addiction to gin then you know that I'm doomed! Although I'm only going to worry if I stink of piss.

As it is... I went in search of my mug at work. I hate that people use your stuff in the office. I'd never drink out of someone else's mug. I wouldn't use the office mugs. Bleurgh! To say the level of hygiene in our place leaves something to be desired is an understatement... I have a stash of my own dishes and cutlery in my drawer cause I at least know where they've been. *shudders* 

I have an ongoing piss-take with a colleague who never washes his coffee cup between refills. It truly is revolting by the end of the day and today I was caught with my mug covered in coffee dribbles... it was only the one cup though. I washed it shortly afterwards. Ha! One cup is acceptable... 400 cups are not!  However, I fear I'm probably alone in my cup washing habits... when I went to make that coffee, someone else was in the kitchen and she threw out the dregs from the cups then proceeded to make a fresh coffee in a dirty mug. Nothing would make me do this. Ever. Am I alone? Are you a cup washer or not? I'm curious cause I suspect I'm the weirdo here only don't tell my workmate cause he'll only be smug. 

This is the sky out the window at work cause my photography mojo appears to be stuck up the cat's arse.

P.S. Massive congrats to rxs and his lovely missus on the arrival of a wee toe blister for Ghengis... meet Loomis! x

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