Derelict Thursday...

Does this count?

I think I may have blipped this poor bike before if the search facility was of any use at all, I'd go find it but I'm not surprised it's still there. There are bikes attached to the railings in my stair that have been there for 13 years. I spoke to the Police about removing them and giving them to charity and they said if I checked with all the residents to make sure they don't belong to anyone, they'd come and take them away. They have a recycling (boom boom) program so they will at least go to a good home after a time rather than gather more dust.

Obviously I waited until my Dad had removed my sorry looking bike from the railings. Glass houses etc.

I wish I had the same oomph for cycling as the rest of my family. If I didn't know better, I'd consider the possibility that I belonged to the milkman. I find it incredibly dull. It's not so bad if you have company but I just don't have the motivation to cycle alone. Maybe I should advertise for a bike buddy again. I did that a few years ago and found a very heavily tattooed, adrenaline junkie called Brian who liked to stop for a smoke halfway... it wasn't exceptionally conducive to getting fit but we had a giggle all the same.

Must check if my Dad fixed my bike or gave it away as a lost cause...

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