Driving home from work this afternoon in the torrential rain, this buzzard was on a branch, hanging over the narrow lane.  I quickly stopped to get the camera out and managed to photograph him before he flew off.  I was waiting for him to fly, and wanted to capture his amazing wings, but dam it, he was so quick, I couldn't find him on the screen.  I was so cross with myself.  So you have a stationery buzzard.

This afternoon it rained, and rained so no walk for Phoebe.  In fact when I suggested it, she ran down the stairs to her bed!

Tomorrow we have a 'second viewing' on the house so hoping that something positive comes out of it.

Not far now to the weekend.  We're looking forward to tomorrow evening as we are going over to Milverton Music Club to see Jim Crawford in concert.  We saw him over a year ago and thoroughly enjoyed his easy style of playing and going with friends it will be a good night.

Sorry I didn't 'post' anything yesterday.  Nothing to give!

Thankyou dear blippers for keeping me going - hugs to you all. xxx

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