From The Ground Up

I'm going to have to watch this drift towards curmudgeonliness. I'm aware that it's an insidious process!

Ignoring a number of very silly and basically useless features, plus an odd mix of very large font sizes and almost unreadably small (oops ... there I go again), my statistics did throw up something quite startling - although I still needed to work the number out by hand. If the figures are to be believed (and I think they are), I have written just shy of half a million words on my blip journal! And you guys must have contributed at least that again in terms of commentary. There must be well over a million words in total. I guess that's exactly why this site has become so precious to its long standing members, and why we care so passionately about how our journal is presented and the way interaction occurs. It really has become a huge investment for a lot of people.

So this image is about the importance of scaffolding. And starting from the ground up. Get those first poles firmly in place, get the basics right, and everything else should follow smoothly and stand strong. I'm now back to being patient and simply trusting that blipcentral haven't lost sight of that. I really hope not. 

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