
By FlyingPRGal

The Simple Things

Today was a pretty ordinary Saturday with the usual boring-but-necessary domestic tasks to get done.

I'd heard from a friend that the runway at the aerodrome was waterlogged, ie. closed, so my usual bolthole for tea and chat with friends wasn't even an option.

So it was without hesitation that I enthusiastically accepted an impromptu lunch invitation from the lovely Joel - a friend I haven't seen in about 18 months.

Much chatter about running, triathlons and flying accompanied by tasty food and great company was a welcome distraction from my nagging headache.

The rest of the day was a bit of a monotonous blur as I attempted to ignore my sore head whilst trying to get chores and some client work done.

Half-hacked attempts to get everything done failed as my fuzzy head didn't improve into the evening. So a good ol' cup of tea and chill in front of the telly was in order. Sometimes it's the simple things that are the most pleasurable.

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