
By carliewired

Doing Battle with the Bougainvillea

Beautiful, and yet, 
fiendish and protective too
Pruning is needed

~ carliewired

A, our weekend warrior, was here to operate the power tools and mastermind a big yard clean up. All greenery needed a haircut. The bougainvillea always needs a hardy pruning. The top section took a bit of a killing with the cold temperatures of early January. It's just now coming into bloom again, starting at the bottom. It is a sanctuary for the birds that feed in the yard. They huddle together there, especially when a kestrel is hunting in the neighbourhood. 
In spite of the severe pruning, I expect the bougainvillea will be restored by the time next October rolls around again. 
Good news: our neighbour, D, has agreed to handle the watering of the 'estate' for us this summer. Bless his heart!

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