Capital adventures

By marchmont

The Brink

I went over the brink today, well not me personally, but my best friend, who wants rid of me, went over the brink and inevitably took me too.

It was such a warm and lovely day today. And where was I, stuck in a north facing office wrestling with what, in the scale of things, are minor problems, meeting people, having meetings. And you know what, that's where I wanted to be.

At the end of the day it was off to JL to take back stuff and M&S to collect stuff. I think I may have maxed out the credit card a bit TOO much.

Finally to the Central Library to hear Alistair Darling talk about his experiences in coping with financial meltdown. It was very interesting, and funny and he had some pretty stark things ot say about where we are right now.

Edinburgh Libraries just won an major libraries prize - they are great though.

Now watching the last ever 'House'.

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