The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Kettlebell

Back in the day mummy used to go to a kettlebell class. She was really pleased the night she moved up to a 5kg weight. Well she was until daddy told her he lifted 100kg at the gym and her bubble was slightly deflated. But today, as she heaved me about in my carrier she wondered what weight of kettlebell I was equivalent to. It certainly was a new personal best. I just hoped she didn't start squatting or swinging me through her legs in a figure of eight.

After a trip to the optician this morning to get mummy's glasses tightened, as I keep pulling them off her face, we had a visit to Costa then headed to baby sensory. Afterwards we stayed for lunch at soft play. This week we were driven out by the smell of another baby's nappy.

Daddy said he'd had the 'Granny Murray' song in his head all day. Mummy had never heard it. He gave her a full rendition including actions. I was grateful that my eyes and ears were 2 rooms away.

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