The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Rose-Tinted Glasses

Mummy hid her tears behind her rose-tinted glasses this morning as she drove to work. Not since her nauseated uncomfortable pregnancy have these reality distorting glasses been seen. The realisation that her maternity leave has pretty much ended is starting to sink in. All memories of those long days and even longer nights forgotten and replaced with the stomach sinking sadness that the best year of her life is over.

Me and daddy on the other hand are in the honeymoon phase of our Thursday Club. The club were if you have your vest on inside out and back to front no one bats an eyelid. We went for an early morning walk then spent the afternoon reading books and playing. Granny Isy and great aunty Debbie came for cuddles later on.

*Spoiler Alert * Lethal Weapon 5: staring me, my maraca and daddy's (now bruised) collarbone.

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