
By Mindseye

Golden Silver

After spending yesterday with mum and sis doing the shopping etc. we thought we might get out a bit today as the weather was pretty good! However daughter needed our help, she had an item due to be delivered and asked if we could be on hand to accept it for her. So we drove to her house, hub with his morning paper, me with my camera, to wait for the call to say they'd be there in 30 mins.

Hub said he didn't mind waiting in whilst I popped along to the flash for a blipping session :-) Although it was chilly it was plesant enough as long as you were on the move. I did loiter again by the river, looking out for Kingy, eventually I spied him in the usual tree, but I think he had spied me too! There were lots of people around so I wasn't very hopeful of capturing him!

I was half hid by some small trees on the riverbank, with my camera poised, just in case, when a loud splash behind me scared the hell out of me!! I spun around to see this boisterous Golden Retriever leaping into the silver flecked water after his stick! He was having such fun fetching it back to his master time and time again.

In the absence of Kingy, we settled on this image as the best of the shots I had taken. I had plenty of robins, squirrels, blue tits, a bull finch, but I can get those on any given day.

The Retreiver retrieving his stick won the day :-)

Incidentally it's now 4.20 and we have just had the phone call from our daughter to say they will be delivering in 10 minutes ..so much for 30 minutes notice! Daughter is actually on her way home now and will be there before we could get there, so she has politely informed them they will just have to wait until she gets there!

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