Live long and prosper

Leonard Nimoy has died...very sad news. 

I've always been a bit of a Trekie, I love it. I used to show the kids at school how to do the Vulcan salute. A mum came in one morning and said her lad had spent all weekend practising it as he, "Really, really needed to be a Vulcan like Miss H and not a Clingon!" He'd driven them mad...but he'd mastered it in the end and was one very proud little Vulcan. 

I've turned the house upside down looking for my Trekie badge, but I can't find it...I'm one unhappy Vulcan. 

I had a bit of an Oh my God what have I let myself in for? moment when I came home from work. My phone rang..."Hi, is that Bee? This is Ricky from The Chase.'" Oh Lordy. I applied to go on it ages ago and thought that as it had been so long I'd been discarded. How wrong I was!

Anyway, he wanted some information. Hobbies....why did I want to go on the show...what would I do with any money I won...something interesting about me.....I felt that my brain had turned to mush, but I tried to to sound like a fully functioning person. Then he said he had to ask me ten general knowledge questions...eek! He couldn't say if I'd got them right or not...I tried, I really did, but I felt a complete numpty. "So, how do you think you did?" he asked me. I thought I'd been abysmal, but he said I'd done better than I thought and he wanted to invite me to an month!!!!! OMG.  

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