
Please read this. Take a few minutes to follow the links.  

This evening, while looking through the "Popular" photos, I followed a link to EvelyneNC's journal entry for February 28. In it, I learned that her wedding photos from the recent "The Big Moment" project, as well as those of 11 other blippers, had been posted to a website called and had spread to other websites. No one had asked those 12 blippers for their permission to widely disseminate personal photos across the Internet.

On the PolaroidBlipfoto Facebook page, if you scroll down to the entry for February 23, you'll read "Amazing to see even the beautiful Zooey Deschanel likes the Valentine's project!" Ms. Deschanel is the co-founder of a website called "Hello Giggles," which is a very fitting name.

On February 13 and 14, the PB website had links to the weddings project, which makes sense to me because other blippers would enjoy looking at those entries. How those entries were spread widely beyond PolaroidBlipfoto is addressed in the Help section here, and worth a read.

I am appalled.

And I've taken my email address off my profile, and am seriously considering making my journal private.

This community is dear to my heart. I've made good friends here, and have met a number of them in person. Posting my images and words is a creative endeavor that I greatly enjoy.

I am not on Facebook. I do not want a link to my journal made widely available. And I don't ever want to hear after the fact they now are.


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