
By maddischeib

Selfies with a Stang

Last weekend, my sister decided we should go shopping. She said she had to stop at Wal-Mart to get something, so I stayed in the truck. All of a sudden I hear this extremely loud car behind me. It kind of caught me off guard a little. Naturally I turned around to see what the source of the loudness was. It turned out that it was a mustang! The extremely loud GT had the body style like a ’03 model, but I’m not entirely sure what year it was.

Obviously, I love mustangs, if you haven’t figured that out yet there must be something wrong with you. I decided I had to take a selfie with the cute little stang. It was way too cold outside for me to stand behind a car and take a picture with it, so I tried to get it in the picture while sitting in the back of the truck. It worked! I have about 40+ selfies with the car. When Jade and her boyfriend came back they asked me what I was doing with my phone because apparently they saw me taking selfies with the car. I didn’t really care, but I thought it was pretty funny.

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