
These chillies are happily drying out in a Nutella jar on the kitchen windowsill.
I'm taking my chances with the flammability issues!!
It was a slightly unusual start to my day. I was outside in my jim jams at 7.30am cleaning windows!
And wiping down windowills, hoovering through, getting rid of cobwebs and cleaning the shower screen.
And shoving things in carrier bags and watching Mr K load all the stuff littering the hallway into the back of the cars!!
At 8.30am - when we should be leaving for school - I wasn't dressed, had soaking wet hair and hadn't done the Little Misses' snacks.
But we had a clean and tidy-ish  house ready for our inspection.
And just for good measure I did a bit more dusting and tidying when I got back from school.
And then I sat and listed things on eBay for the first time in ages.
Quite a productive morning all in all!
The woman came round at about 11am and was surprisingly pleasant considering how confrontational she was last time.
Hilariously she walked up the hallway, glanced in the living room, chatted for a bit in the kitchen and then left.
She didn't look at the lovely clean shower screen. Honestly!!!!
Miss E said she wanted to stay at home again today but she seemed OK so I was mean Mummy and sent her in.
I have to admit she took a downward turn tonight when we got in from gymnastics - white as a sheet, coughing, sneezing and runny nose.
I gave her Calpol and she fell asleep within minutes. Unheard of.
Tomorrow I suspect we may be on the sofa watching more quality children's programming under a duvet.

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