Twilight on the Thunder Belle

I thought sure that I would be posting a baseball picture after going to see my Detroit Tigers play the Baltimore Orioles today. But, I could only get a SRO (Standing Room Only) ticket, and I was stuck way the left field. Or, so I thought. Come to find out, I could have been standing in the shade right behind home plate. That's what I get for asking a volunteer where I could stand.

I left with 3 outs to go in the bottom of the 9th inning, and my Tigers were ahead 5-3.

I like and dislike spring training games. I like them because of the beautiful intimate ball parks that the teams play in, and dislike them because I didn't know almost all of the players. Only 3 of our regular players played. All the rest were rookies trying hard to make the squad that goes North. Still fun, though.

I ended up watching the sun go down on the Gulf of Mexico. For some baseball and bird above. It was a glorious day and night.

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