Fluffy 2238 hr (Sunday 1st March 2015)

Fluffy as we have never seen her before. I had just found a method of transferring photos from my cameras to the iPad while out and about, and had put it to the test with some pictures of Fluffy taken on my Olympus Tough compact.

Fluffy had just been the aggressor in a fight with Smokey in my kitchen. It had been very noisy, with claws and fur everywhere. Smokey had run into the living room and Fluffy had escaped outside. Fluffy was probably ratty because her owners had gone away and I hadn't yet been over to feed her.

This is the greeting I got when I arrived at her home a little later to provide supper.

Having copied the image to my iPad I thought I might as well try out one of its apps, namely Snapseed, which I used to grungify the photograph. Fluffy doesn't normally look this vampiric or vicious.


Blip #1514 (#1764 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #007
Day #1803
Fluffy #039
LOTD #749 (#869 including archived blips)

Fluffy series
Cats series
Abstracts And Experiments series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Throwing Muses - Not Too Soon (1991)

One Year Ago: Smokey 1330 hr

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