
They are ready as they are going to be. I did the finishing touches on the twins and prepared all four of the portraits for the show that opens tomorrow. In a few minutes I'm going to hop into the car and deliver them to Studio UFO so Trish can hang the show tomorrow morning. There might be a few more touches I could add, but never mind. They are done enough and I like them all which is a good thing. You can see all four of the paintings here.

Now I'm off to make my delivery and visit my friends from the Thursday open studio. It's been a long time since I've been painting on Wednesdays for quite a while. Then I'm off to the Alzheimer's Society support group. Helena is coming here to hang out with Arvin.

Almost forgot... you can see the show live during tomorrow's Friday Art Walk at Studio UFO in the Bay Street Village building on the corner of Bay Street and Holly. The opening is from 6:00 to 9:00. I also have a painting in the member show at Allied Arts on Cornwall, right near the Limelight Theater.

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